Collagen tea for anti-aging:  Yes, or no? It’s a question I had to ask myself after reading where a provider of niche dietary supplements recommended, we work with them. Since the 1950s, collagen has been one of the most ubiquitous cosmetic buzzwords, appearing in countless cosmetics’ ingredient lists, promotional material, and even product names. If you’re at all interested in what the personal care industry has to offer in the way of slowing down the effects of time, you probably already have a bottle of collagen anti ageing cream or serum stashed away somewhere.

Collagen supplements are not new, but can they be successfully formulated into a liquid form?

Does collagen aid in anti-aging treatments?

This seems like a horrible plan right off the get. When we consume meat, we get a lot of collagen in our diets already. It’s a relatively typical type of protein. There must be other ways to acquire the skin benefits of collagen if taking a supplement isn’t necessary. Vegetarians who don’t consume any collagen appear to have skin that is just as excellent as everybody else’s. Therefore, this does not provide evidence that eating collagen can enhance the skin’s appearance.

Collagen in the body

Combine that with what we know about how proteins are broken down in the digestive tract. We can therefore predict the outcomes of collagen consumption fairly well.

Collagen’s structure is broken down by the acidic environment of the stomach. After this, molecules are disassembled by enzymes called pepsins. Separate the peptides first, then the amino acids. Proteolysis refers to this kind of carefully orchestrated breakdown. Collagen is dissected down to its basic building blocks, the amino acids, of which there are millions. We can be sure that no undamaged collagen will make it through the digestive process since it is so effective.

In my earlier article about collagen shots, I went into a little more depth on this topic.

Is it true that collagen causes a youthful glow?

Overall, it seems like a waste of time and money to try to market a collagen supplement. However, there is a paper in the scientific literature that claims collagen supplementation is beneficial for the skin. The upsides are minimal at best. But as Dr. Johnson pointed out, the question isn’t how effectively a dog plays chess. It’s incredible that they manage to get anything done.

This document presents the results of a legitimate double-blind study. The gold standard for demonstrating efficacy is double-blind research. A medicine cannot be approved for sale unless it has been shown to be more effective than a placebo treatment. This form of data backup is uncommon in dietary supplements. But making an impact is another different. Having a significant enough impact to justify the work is yet another factor. The European Food Safety Authority reviewed the data for this extract. They came to the conclusion that there wasn’t enough evidence to support the notion that this type of collagen would improve skin suppleness.

Several other studies have been published since this report was published, and they too suggest that collagen supplements may have positive effects.

What is the mechanism by which collagen increases elasticity?

If it is, please explain how. As an example, consider this explanation. The skin’s collagen is constantly being torn apart and reassembled. I think this is the most effective method of maintaining its condition. UV rays and free radicals can easily penetrate the skin, making it vulnerable. Enzymes, like other biological processes, regulate this step. And there is a lack of clarity about the specifics. Collagen chains shorten because the rate of breakdown begins to outstrip the rate of rebuilding as we age.

I was wondering if certain peptide sequences in the collagen molecule serve as “triggers” for the enzymes. In that case, the collagen-building enzyme might be triggered by a short peptide chain with the proper amino acid sequence. Is it possible for this brief sequence to be released from some types of collagen in the stomach and enter the bloodstream? It’s hard to believe, to be really honest. The supplement must be doing something, right?

What You Need to Know About Collagen Tea

So, to sum up, there may be a type of collagen that alters how enzymes in the skin process collagen. And it has the potential to make your skin more elastic. So far, no one has seriously attempted to bring this concept to consumers. I doubt that I could be persuaded to put money into a fresh product idea if I were in the market for such an investment. But if someone did, I’d be curious to hear how it went. A hot beverage with anti-aging properties sounds like a great concept.

Also, I haven’t specified the type of collagen used in this post, but you can find that information in the sources I’ve supplied. There is no comparison between this and the bioengineered, skin-friendly collagen that I’ve been writing about recently. It has not yet been determined which type of collagen is superior for skin.